Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Day #..

You know, at the moment I'm done with counting days. It's a good way to be organized, but I'm not sure how organized I want to be anymore. Maybe counting days and miles and minutes and all of that isn't the way that I want to experience this trip. Or maybe (and more likely) I'm too lazy to figure them out anymore since a day doesn't really fit with the way that I'm living. It's more like...a town or a friend, or an incident that marks the passage of time for me.

So here goes my first unorganized installment!

After leaving Arcata yesterday morning I noticed that although there was still a fog covering the bay it was nice and warm. Which made for great riding conditions. I set out towards Eureka (the Humbolt county seat) and made it about 15 miles (5 miles past Eureka) when it began to drizzle. No big deal, I thought. I can take a little mist. And then the "mist" starting to come down a bit thicker and faster until it was a full out dump of rain and THAT I am not cool with. So I ducked into this small town called Fields Landing that was SO small there was one convenience store and that was it. There was a cafe, but when I asked the attendent at the store when it would open she replied "never."

So there I was sitting on a bench between an ashtray and the trashcan surrounded by flies looking at the pouring rain. Quit the predicament. Until I saw this friendly looking vehicle drive by.

Upon which I decided that it would be best for me to load my bike and hop on board in hopes of at least making it to a town where I could sit inside and read.And so I was dropped off in the town of Scotia at the beautiful Inn (which I don't have a photo of) where I had the brilliant idea to call my good friend Julie to see if maybe...maybe she'd want to swing up from Mendicino to pick me up? And the good friend that she is...she agreed! So there is my rest day. I haven't had one yet, and for the last four days I've been feeling it.

Five hours after that call I was sitting in Mendo with Julie at this really nice restaurant. Ahhh...so much better than the trash can and ash tray situation. As for today, I'm going to camp out tonight and then head to San Francisco in the morning. I'm about two or three days away at the moment, so the trip has speeded up a little, but that just gives me an extra day in SF to hang out and explore the city. I can't wait! Look forward to more biking adventures tomorrow. I'm off to the beach!


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Walter Ryce said...

Hello. My name is Walter Ryce. I'm a writer at the Monterey County Weekly (www.montereycountyweekly.com), an alternative newsweekly. We received word of your ambitious trip and were impressed with what you are doing. I've driven the route you are taking--from Seaside, OR to Seaside, CA--and know the stunning landscape you're seeing. I would like to communicate with you as soon as conceivable, either by phone or email, about doing a story on your biking journey. We're a bike-friendly paper and I don't think it will take a lot of your time. My phone number is 831-394-5656 ext. 138, email walter @mcweekly.com. Thanks. Happy Trails.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

YEA JULIE!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks from the MOM.
Love, Mrs. Lizzo

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Erin: You & Julie look so HAPPY in the picture. You certainly deserve a break and what a better way to spend time than with a good friend. The calls & blog have been fantastic!! Love, Mom

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I am so happy the rain came to you so you could let that poor bottom rest! I am so proud of you have I mentioned that? :) I look forward to hearing about your journey in person in just a hand full of days!

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Erin,little powerhouse!
Your narrative is slmply terrific; as youroldest,(no doubt) fan and ride follower, Imust say how much I'm enjoying your story - your photos are superb!The Oregon and CA.coasts are breathtaking.The sea, fog and greenery are awe-inspiring - have you seen any animals/birds yet? The Redwood forest sounds unbelievable- perhaps Ill go one day- have never seen that part of CA.
Your friend Julie - a TRUE LIFESAVER-and you make a "darling duo"at that restaurant! San Francisco is truly a wonderful town with tons of things to see and do. ENJOY!! Ride on Erin, you are indeed RIGHT ON!
Love and hugs, Lorna aka Doonie

At 7:40 AM, Blogger leby1 said...

Hey girl. Miss you dearly, I'm glad to see and hear that your doing well. The link above is about the cancellation of the Thursday cruiser ride. I thought you would be interested to know. Call me when you have chance...I need an Erin update!

Love ya, Lindsay

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Vicki said...

Oh Julie is so cute! What a sweetheart. Parkway Central RULES!


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