Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A late introduction

My name is Erin and I am an adventure seeker by nature. A few months ago I came up with the idea to ride my bike from the Olympic Peninsula near Seattle down to the warm sandy beaches of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico (and in the process I've learned to spell the word "peninsula", or at least, I think...). Ever since deciding to do this trip I've found myself having a hard time falling asleep at night, and have seen my reading materials change from great fictional works to atlases of North America, touring bike books, etc. Which is no complaint at all. I'm not really one to complain much when I'm happy. So here is my journal, my thoughts, my trip notes. I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying the prospect of beginning, riding, and ending somewhere amazing. I'm looking forward to anything and everything that will happen....

Although I have read so many wonderful journals, articles, books, and travel blogs written by the thousands of people who have taken long touring bike trips, a large part of me still feels like this is a very new idea. Something that is mine, something unique. And not in the way that devalues the idea of the bike trip as having been done before, but...I guess I can just say that I'm excited. Really excited. And the fact that I am choosing to go on this trip solo makes the whole experience even more amazing in my mind.

So who am I? What would be the best way to answer that question at the present moment?

I am a 27 year old girlish-woman who is planning a three month trip from Seattle to Baja and beyond! The ride starts May 2007, and until then I am training, packing, preparing, and most of all DREAMING! It's the most amazing dream ever. The type of dream that you don't feel your muscles hurt. You don't feel cold or wet or tired, just happy and warm. Everything is perfect and the sun is shining and the road ahead is smooth and there is a VERY LARGE SHOULDER. What could be better? So dream, dream, dream...until May. Then it's ride, ride, ride.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have a bike!

It's fun to plan a bike trip and all, but up to this point the trip consisted of "what will I pack", and "what will I eat", etc. It was more of a concept that I could organize and dream about than an actual tangible reality. But that all changed yesterday as I found the perfect bike, a steel frame, a good fit, and to top it off - Italian made, just like me! It nees a little repair and TLC, but that will be part of the pre-ride adventure - learning how to fix a bike. I've got a lot to learn!

And so the ride goes on...as planned. I am getting more excited every day, and cannot wait to begin, but luckily I have another 6 months to save money and get my stuff together before riding off. Rolling down the road, feeling good....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The way I roll

The bike ride starts on highway 101, just outside of Olympic National Park near Tacoma, WA. Thanks to Nathan for offering me a ride up to Seattle where I can visit with him, Maura, and Laura before starting this journey.

Only six months now, and I cannot wait to begin rolling down the road towards Mexico. Oh, oh, oh...to be in Mexico!

Check out this map of my starting point.