Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have a bike!

It's fun to plan a bike trip and all, but up to this point the trip consisted of "what will I pack", and "what will I eat", etc. It was more of a concept that I could organize and dream about than an actual tangible reality. But that all changed yesterday as I found the perfect bike, a steel frame, a good fit, and to top it off - Italian made, just like me! It nees a little repair and TLC, but that will be part of the pre-ride adventure - learning how to fix a bike. I've got a lot to learn!

And so the ride goes planned. I am getting more excited every day, and cannot wait to begin, but luckily I have another 6 months to save money and get my stuff together before riding off. Rolling down the road, feeling good....


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Bike Drool said...

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At 11:27 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Trailer attached to my bike. This is a SOLO trip. That's part of the fun.


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