Friday, May 04, 2007

Go Goonies!

Although I might be getting ahead of myself, here is a little bit of trip trivia. Once highway 101 end in Washington I will be taking a ferry over to Astoria, Oregon. Apparently Astoria is a pretty big deal. It's beautiful, scenic, etc. In every picture I see (yes, I've been researching each of these towns when I have the time) there is a low fog hovering over everything. Have you ever seen a movie in which all of the landscape seems to have a similar low fog? Maybe something with bad guys and pirates? A movie with buried treasure and secrets and rocky road ice cream and all of the things that are fantastic and make for a fantabulous movie? Are we thinking the same thing? Goonies! Yes, Astoria Oregon was the location where the movie Goonies was filmed. I might have to spend an extra day here hanging out with Willie and filling my socks with gold coins so I can afford to send you all post cards. I can't wait.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Vicki said...

I feel like Kindergarten Cop took place there as well. Not that I would know or remember or anything.


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